Innovation 14

Started by tonychris, August 08, 2016, 13:39:58 PM

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Nothing to do with the Government.
Everything is waiting for final approval from technicians and planning officials.
It is illegal for politicians to interfer with this legal planning process.


Now we have a Government will we get a signature for innovation 14 ?.


Roger did not remove your post I did. It was insulting and unnecessary.


Roy Thomas I missed your post ??

Doesn't the number 14 tell you something, and lots more numbers to use !!

Roy Thomas

Roger as you are the mod I can only assume you deleted my post.

Thought you Corbyn lovers believed in free speech.

Must have been a dream.


Given the EU,s stance yesterday of Hard Brexit ONLY,the delay in home legalisation and NO  paperwork,may actually help some folks,basically,the Brit home owners are here because of EU free movment,worst case of an OUT and The Brits end up OUT  after a hard ball with the EU and Spain with the fog of Gib,ie  medicals & right to reside,then an Arboleas paperless couple,may get some housing help back in the UK,because on paper they own nothing ,were as a couple with full papers and a home,will end up paying full rent,because they still have a registered home.... in Spain ( even tho they might only have acess to spain 90 days per year.... in the worst case of UK Divorce ).

also if ino 14 does come through now...... nothing will be selling at the mo unless its auction prices,as all EU  buyers will know the Brits have been shafted by there own back in the Motherland ,plus the cost of paperwork to complet will be expensive at a 1 to 1 rate with .


this is an intresting read,although not related to ino 14,it could give an idea of the current offshore  fog heading inland that may pressure/harden attitudes towards OUT of EU state Brits with newly enforced/ lost European citizen ship,needing a medical or "relaxed " spanish citizen ship application.
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Shall I presume we won't be hearing anything on Innovation 14 this year? Was it just a rumour that it would be finalised in October/November this year?


Apparently May is serving Article 50 in the UK should be all UK & EU Out by 2019...........great news for Arboleas home sellers,pensioners with a 1.05 exchange rate And Rog,whom will finally be able to retire, by 2019..........

( the above is a light hearted pxxx take ! ,also if you are an estate agent,it might be worth buying a monoply  board game for the office  as these may be the only houses selling to Brits...... )

Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Quote from: Roy Thomas on October 02, 2016, 00:17:56 AM
Innovation 14 will probably never happen in our lifetime.

Unsure how it can as all houses built in the last 20 years were built on rustic land which makes it an illegal build.

Believe what Roger and his mate say that Innovation 14 is the big solution but there is reason it is one delay after another.
Because it will never happen.

my house was built within the last 20 years in Arboleas as a new build  has all its paperwork,ie deed for the house,deed for the land,all correctly sized up,registered,IBI,id Castrolled,hab cert,mains water,lecky cert,be a bit Strange Roy if im the only Brit with the correct casa paperwok in town,dont yer fink......

ive even still got the land marker  vegas in place that corrispond with the land deeds on the plot size & postion

Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


You obviously do not understand urban planning regulations.

Roy Thomas

Innovation 14 will probably never happen in our lifetime.

Unsure how it can as all houses built in the last 20 years were built on rustic land which makes it an illegal build.

Believe what Roger and his mate say that Innovation 14 is the big solution but there is reason it is one delay after another.
Because it will never happen.


Quote from: Tetley on September 09, 2016, 17:57:51 PM
Fing is whatever happens houses will role in Arboleas,because people will still be able to use them as holiday homes,and at 100k ish English pound money its not out of the way for 45 to 55 somthings on good money to buy a 2nd home.

were never going to see the UK Exedus into Arboleas again ie 201 to 206 but houses will turn over if the currency is 1.20 ish plus at a good rate.


I agree that the exchange rates are "dictating the market" more than anything at the moment and uncertainty over how brexit will affect ex pats is probably another factor and as properties are legalised it would follow that supply would likely increase demand and therefore reduce selling prices.

However, is there not another factor which could come into play following Inno. 14, and legalisation of properties, which may increase demand? With a large number of potential purchasers just waiting to be confident that should they buy in Spain (Arboleas) then the property will definitely be legal? This is a big issue as whenever I have a conversation with anyone in the UK about owning a Spanish property then illegality and demolition/bulldozing always enter the conversation, not exchange rates or brexit. Does anyone else see this??


Fing is whatever happens houses will role in Arboleas,because people will still be able to use them as holiday homes,and at 100k ish English pound money its not out of the way for 45 to 55 somthings on good money to buy a 2nd home.

were never going to see the UK Exedus into Arboleas again ie 201 to 206 but houses will turn over if the currency is 1.20 ish plus at a good rate.

Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


The Arboleas Urban plan is not related to the problem of illegal houses in other Towns.
I was told in 2009 by the head of registration at the Planning Department that the preparation of urban plans is the responsibility of local Town Halls, not the Junta.
It is the responsibility of the Junta to check and approve the plans.

So if your Town Council is not preparing an Urban Plan to legalise illegal properties you should go and ask them why not.
I see in the press today that the Councillor for urban development in Almeria City is demanding a meeting with Junta officials to unblock their urban plan, after over 12 years.
This is playing politics. All Almeria City has to do is walk round the corner and have a face to face discussion, not make an issue in the press.

On related issues, I am sure that there will be an increase in houses for sale when all are legal. However this will happen little by little, and present signs are that demand is matching supply in Arboleas at the moment.
In fact I have seen an increase in new purchases since Brexit.
Maybe people are leaving the UK before UK house prices fall and before the predicted fall in economic growth.

As for builders making money when the houses are made legal, this varies.
Most builders received all the money for their illegal houses.
Some builders are waiting for around 5% final payment on receipt of documents.
Promar has a lot of money owed to them, most of which is locked in escrow accounts. I doubt if there will be much left after they have paid off the mortgages they took out on clients properties and after they have paid the tax department to lift embargos.
Mountain Oaks has unsold rustic houses, which will become legal, but a huge tax debt which has resulted on embargos on all Mountain Oaks land, legal and illegal occupied houses.
When these rustic un sold houses are made urban it will be possible to swap them for the tax debt, thus helping the clients on embargoed land.


Lets get the Brexit & Free movment done first,

worst case the villa legal price will drop to 80 or 90k,

if yer 75 and have had 20 years in the sun but want to go back to the UK yer can go back with 60k uk in yer pocket and rent for yer last 10 years and if your are ill they carnt asset strip yer to pay for yer care,plus there,s chuck all for yer outlaws to sort once yer take yer trip down the tunnel of light,

plus the other thing is,get yer 60k duwn,then yell get a bit of help wi yer Rent & rates.

yer carnt teck the bxgger with yer mi luvlies   :)
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


There's surely a bigger picture to this. If Arboleas gets its houses legalised, doesn't it open the door to all other illegal properties in Spain, and there are a lot!
Then there will be lots to sell, lowering prices, supply and demand, and lots still in the hands of the dodgy ones who built them, so they will finally make some more money ??


Quote from: zilnor on September 07, 2016, 16:06:15 PM
" Spain looks very sane and well run............" .   rofl rofl
Don't think so Tetley !

well theres one thing,Mayor Done will sort his hooses Out at lot quiker than you lot back at camp Happy will sort yer self implode  Rexit...... OUT  :))

and as for Spanish polatics........we have the worlds best government in power at the mo......... ,there aint one.........x2  :))
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Only when compared to the UK that is. Just have a look at the current political turmoil going on there.  :tiphat:


Carry on and keep calm then Roger!


" Spain looks very sane and well run............" .   rofl rofl
Don't think so Tetley !


Quote from: Roger on September 07, 2016, 09:14:12 AM
Exactly one person to plough through all these documents, on top of any other work that they have to do on a day to day basis.
That is why I gave details of all the detail in the documents which have to be read and agreed.
It may be relatively quick, it may not.
Keep asking when will not make it happen any sooner.
I know that some people have been waiting for over 10 years
and had to suffer a load of lies, promises and misinformation.
From 2011 we have kept everyone informed in detail and we will
continue to let you know any developments as soon as we do.

Roger,if Ino 14 is passed it will be a bonus,even if its over another 10 years...........because the system and the people in it do as and when they like.

the job is what it is ie its  governed by Administrative & Procedural law system,the only good news is..........there is no government in Madrid at the mo,printing new laws.

onwards & upwards


lets also be honest,spain looks very sain and well run,after the 23rd of UK Reffo June,... so they probably think your the head medic at an Arboleas  British lunatic asylum   :) so this is probably another reason they aint rushin   :)
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Exactly one person to plough through all these documents, on top of any other work that they have to do on a day to day basis.
That is why I gave details of all the detail in the documents which have to be read and agreed.
It may be relatively quick, it may not.
Keep asking when will not make it happen any sooner.
I know that some people have been waiting for over 10 years
and had to suffer a load of lies, promises and misinformation.
From 2011 we have kept everyone informed in detail and we will
continue to let you know any developments as soon as we do.


Fing is folks,these govi officals study for years,there NOT going to rush,there bosses will probably have studied under the Franco years,they will do exactly as and when they like,wich might take 1 month,1 year or 1 decade,there not sackable or complainable, the job is what it is,the main thing is your 300/400 IBI diddle up money is helping the town hall funds the planning fees & expence,as opposed to it been spent........elswere.

as for prices dropping,not really,the house movment in Arboleas is goverend by uk exchange rates,1.19 houses sell,1.35 plus houses fly of the peg,1.05 its a veiwing every 4 months,normaly by another EU  cit,thay will tell you your house is very expensive ay 145k,but they would pay 120 k ( coz they no the Brits have stopped buying wile the exch rate is low )

Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Didn,t the TOWN HALL say a few months ago that it was just waiting for  one person to sign it off .


Just read the piece off Roger, so when he says nothing is going to happen quickly are we looking at 3, 6, 9 months away or longer I know you havent got a crystal ball but given the timescales so far, there must be a rough idea of when this might come to fruition.  Thanks Roger.


And then buyers will have so much choice, prices will fall ??


Don't hold your breath !




So any update for us patiently waiting for news.


Has the documentation gone off to Almeria now the holidays are over?


Thank you for the information Roger, we await September/October now then before we get a yes.


We have received a letter from Almeria giving the format of the report we need to send them.
This was sent on 4th August at their initiative.
I assume the official was clearing her desk before she went on holiday.
It is tradiional for people to take the summer holidays to coincide with the national holiday on 15th.

We will send the documents with the necessary covering information as soon as the Council Secretary is back from holiday.


Its August.    Holiday time give him a break for gods sake. A few days wont make a difference


Perhaps it is  : No News is Good News  .But Roger should say  something now.