The Bastardisation of the English Language.

Started by Janad20, October 31, 2015, 12:36:52 PM

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One of the best ways to deal with the "ya know" brigade is to say "No actually I don't know. Can you explain please". Inevitably they are struck dumb. Quite amusing to watch them squirming.



My original posting on this subject was not about the evolution of the English language. If the language did not evolve then we would still be communicating with each other using grunts. The English dictionary has always had new words inserted whilst removing others considered, as no longer viable.
Not so long ago, one would hear an 'Hm' or an 'Err' when listening to someone speaking. This enabled the individual to search his vocabulary contained in his mind, to find the right word or phrase. Today, that vocabulary no longer exists, therefore the mindless repetitiveness of 'ye know' or 'I mean' is substituted, although maybe substituted is the wrong word, as it means to replace and in most cases, there is nothing forthcoming from their brain other than the 2 aforementioned phrases. (I use the word 'phrases' loosely).
If continuously being told 'ye know', then one must ask if I already know, why are you telling me?  Likewise if they have to continually state 'I mean', then why don't they say what they mean instead of what they did say?
I am afraid that it is already too late for this transition in our vocabulary to be reversed as it has slowly and succinctly taken over. The past 2 or 3 generations have failed to acknowledge it's sheep like effect on society today, so trying to appear 'cool' does in fact make you look and sound thick!!!   


Quote from: webejamin on November 01, 2015, 08:09:44 AM
Yesterday it was something like "If I compare thee to a summers day" today it's more of a "you gotta cool ass, yo ma bitch"

Not exactly  William Wordsworth Jams,but in these modern times ....anything seems to go now were all multicultral.... init  ;D

were still on coach lines in the Nerve Centre   pmt  ....thats not a 42 seater coach with a line in it....its a paint line ...  :handshake

morning Citizens   :)
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Yesterday it was something like "If I compare thee to a summers day" today it's more of a "you gotta cool ass, yo ma bitch"


Quote from: Challenger 383 on October 31, 2015, 17:56:27 PM
Am I right in thinking English is the only language  that has always constantly  evolved and still is? Do not have a problem with that at all.

I think every language has to evolve, even if it's just to keep up with advances in technology. For instance, you wouldn't imagine someone from the Victorian era, having any idea what this post meant.

''Most are built into the software of the device. Predictive text etc..''

Yet we understand it.


There are some replies on here that are almost impossible to comprehend, it is easier to read Spanish. Also no mention of the Oxford comma.


I released this in May 2014:

T'would seem now that I may have written a popular song ..........very disturbing :lol:


lorca lad


What I cannot stand, is people who say "I mean"  at the beginning of EVERY sentence ........ not only people on the street, but people in "public" life  !!!

If you say " I mean" ,surely that should mean that you have said something before that needs to be explained ....... however, usually, they have said nothing  .... !!,

Keeping my head below the parapet now



I also blame the influx of American TV. shows. :head
Nibbler :tiphat:


I would say that Felipe's grammatical error was a keyboard error. This happens to us all !

Challenger 383

Am I right in thinking English is the only language  that has always constantly  evolved and still is? Do not have a problem with that at all.


I would say that Felipe's grammatical error was a keyboard error. This happens to us all !


Fing is, it's changing. If ya don't like it, it makes not the slightest of difference. You gotta understand it or go under, God knows how many times a day I say "excuse me, but I didn't understand what you said" or "can you say that again". I am getting the gist of it all, but sometimes I get confused ???  


Not a problem felipe if you make a claim like yours then your post must been correct. Should it not be have or had achieved, not has?


It's almost as bad as the , old, British people you see in shops over here moaning about how they can't understand the Spanish ......Language changes (and grammar too)...that's simple evolution...but ignorance is eternal


Astra, so sorry I added a ´d´ at the end of a word.


Know what you mean about dropping 'T's.
People who say fanks instead of thanks 😡


The latest trend, that I hate, in English pronunciation is that the letter T has all but disappeared, and not just with the younger generation. Par(t)y pre(tt)y and so on. Don't know how they would pronounce Tetley ?


Quote from: steve.p on October 31, 2015, 15:39:37 PM
Most are built into the software of the device. Predictive text etc.. :drinks:

ok thanks il have a shufty   :)
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Most are built into the software of the device. Predictive text etc.. :drinks:


Quote from: steve.p on October 31, 2015, 15:19:02 PM
Tets, that's why they have spelling and grammer software on electronic communication devices these days. It's easy peasy in today's environment.  :drinks:

Have you got a link for a good one ?,i can really do everybodys head in with good spelling & grammer... :o    

were on  front moto mudgaurd  pin striping to day by hand aint going well   808

think il have an hour off with a grammer program ..  8)


Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Tets, that's why they have spelling and grammer software on electronic communication devices these days. It's easy peasy in today's environment.  :drinks:


Just out of intrest,when i was abought 8,we were taught the all new ITA  method of English,this was around 1968 however i think it was binned a couple of years later as it was found not to work.

i would luv to be able to spell correctly and use correct Grammer,however at 55 its not on my to do list ,as for texting & and been glued to the nett on these  modern phones,im convinced this will lead to mass mental health  issues for a lot of people in later life.

Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


I think all languages evolve, new words are introduced to the language, through social and technological progress etc, as some words are lost because they become less relevant to society.
The rules of grammar however should remain unchanged, syntax, phonology, phonetics and semantics.

keyser soze


It's the appalling use of the apostrophe that I find distasteful. Oh for education. :drinks:


when I went to school , every teacher would underline any mistakes made in written work
be it bad grammar, incorrect spelling or just wrong information/facts.   
Now no teacher other than the one teaching English  will correct bad grammar
or spelling


Excellent topic and one a lot of users of this forum should or could improve upon, including our resident University lecturer, whose post would have red ink used within it.

Is it laziness or lack of education?




Oh webe you southerns could never speak the Queens English anyway :rofl: :rofl:


U people gotta realize, times is changin innit. Us couldna undastood people speakin undredsa yonks back, coz dem woz speakin propa inglish den innit. Like "woe is me" annat, "for I is undun" innit. U gotta be cool innit, new lingo is cumin, it aint stopping, u gotta ave it, innit.  O0 Skool.    


Many of the students I taught at university before we moved here had terrible grammar in their writing. They could not differentiate between their and there, its and it's, no and know. That was just the start. The use of a comma in a sentence was rarely seen. These were students that has achieved A and A* in English! It baffled all of the lecturers how these students could achieved such grades when they did not know the basics of English grammar.

The marking of essays ended up being full of red underlining due to the number of grammatical errors.


Janad.   : :clap:

My husband and I had the good fortune to be educated at English grammar schools, many years ago.  
I despair when I hear the majority of sixteen to eighteen year old students talking outside the local college. " innit" seems to be their favourite word, and the main topics of conversation are "Britain's Got Talent" and the " X Factor" .
Both my parents left school at the age of fourteen. They had a good all round education and were taught respect for others and the importance of self-discipline.


Absolutely agree, until they start to teach proper English in schools it will only get worse. It's such a shame as English when spoken correctly is a beautiful language.
Nibbler :tiphat:


Couldn't agree more.  There was an article in last week's Mail on Sunday about teachers having to go on a special course to learn basic English grammar because so many lack the skills to teach primary school pupils taking rigorous new tests next summer.  It said that many undergraduates who will train as teachers couldn't recognise conjunctions, prepositions and adjectives, and some even struggled to distinguish between verbs and nouns.  I get annoyed with the advert on the TV which says " find your happy" and even the BBC advertises it's "Big Sing".  When I was at school in the good old days we had marks deducted in exams for incorrect grammar and spelling but apparently now it is considered totally irrelevant.  I dread to think how much worse things could get.