Bar Limaria

Started by Wattc, May 19, 2015, 16:52:16 PM

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??????????  no one knows it ?
We want to come and taste it. But we have to know when.

Thanks anyway


Anyone know if they are serving food yet ?



We called in last week to see what was happening with Bar Limaria.  We had a very warm welcome :handshake - and we look forward to the kitchen being open so that
we can maybe have a variety of taps or snacks with our lunch-time drinks.  There are a lot of 'locals' wishing the new owners well and hoping they make
a success of this Bar - our locality needs to have somewhere to pop in to and enjoy a few drinks and tapas/snacks. :clap:


Quote from: Rod on October 07, 2015, 08:09:55 AM
Via Cucador but a bit of a winding road or go down to Albox and then back again, both ways long winded from Arboleas.




Rules are made for the obeyance of fools & the guidance of wise men


Via Cucador but a bit of a winding road or go down to Albox and then back again, both ways long winded from Arboleas.




What a great bit of advertising open or not

The only thing I'd throw in is coming from Arboleas it's a right pain in the a** to dive to
unless I'm going the mountain goat way

Is there's another way other than up behind the garage ?



Rules are made for the obeyance of fools & the guidance of wise men


"Nibbler" ??, lol.


Hola ,

is somebody know when the restaurant is gone be open.?

Thanks a lot.



So you've spoken to the owner and you know when it's opening. Everybody's happy.
Enjoy your visit's there and have a lovely meal.
Nibbler :tiphat:


Hello mr Nibbler,
i saw the ouwner today and ik asked my question direct to him.
And we went there 2 times ,so is not for the first time. We know the ouwners. They  are very nice  and friendly . They did a great job into the bar (very nice) and the terasses are very cosy.
Maybe try it once
So if you want respond on something, make sure you went there also allready.
And we think a forum is to ask things or what else?

Dave T

They told me June
And there son was super duper qualified
Let's hope they price it correctly for the ride out there

Cheerily Watching

We have a poster in the shop window which states;
Bar Limaria
From12 till Late
We have Mahou, Blackthorn & Tetleys on draught.
Kitchen will be opening in October
For more info call Bob on 850993033
Just because I can



It would appear that Flim flam spoke to the owners in June so they must be around.
Nibbler :tiphat:


If the owner is not there how can you ask him?


I understand you are asking a question, but you are asking the wrong people. Why not see the owner and ask him for a firm date. You are obviously looking forward to visiting the place so the sooner you know the date of opening the better for you and you won't keep wasting your time just by turning up.


mr nibbler, ???

we just put a question, we don't have other complains, even is not possible to ask something;
seems you Always have something to put here ( be positief )
made a blackbord and everyone can see it when the past or stopped;


Sounds to me like another "La Vida", never know when it´s open.


As I understand it the premises are open as a bar ,food will be available at a later date.



Here we go, they haven't even opened yet and you're having a go.
Why doesn't someone who lives in the village go and see the owner and get the information direct then post rather that "He said"  "I heard"

arty choke

You are right Chilieagle, they could at least put some information on a board outside,how annoying for you . ???



Muchas gracias por tus respuesta


yesterday we went ther for a drink with friends at 19.30 h but it was closed. No sign or black bord withe the reason ) .
Can anybody tell us when the bar is closed? or better When the bar is open.

We are so pleased we have a bar now ,but it has to be open if we want to go. And maybe putting a sign or blackbord.
it is not very nice if you take a shouwer ,make an appointemant with friends  and you come there and the bar is closed.

Thanks to read this.

Mickey and mini


It is closed sunday and monday until food is served.then opening hours will be reviewed thanks


hello ,we wait a very longtime for the opening of the new bar Limaria (before Welcome stranger ) .
But it is now the 3 th time we made an appointement withe friends to go there for a drink, but it is the 3 th time it was closed.
Yesterday (sunday 30 august ) ,we went there for


Spoke to the owners in June - and they were refurbishing it - met the chef and he seemed really nice  :handshake- so let's hope that at long last we have a great
little restaurant/bar local to us - so that we can pop in on our way home. :clap:  Hurry up owners - we're all waiting (they're probably waiting for licences
etc - we all know how long that can take!!!!!). :whistle:


yes we think the bar gone be open this month.
We are belgians and hoping that they give a few tapa's with the drinks.
It's Always nice to have something to eat with the drinks.

We hope the ouwners look to this forum .
hoping it's gone be open soon.


 I believe the bar will open soon followed by the restaurant at a later date.


I noticed today that the 'Welcome Stranger' sign has now gone.


The builders have been there for a while but don't know any more than that.


Hi, hopefully by replying to my own post it will push up to top of forum for visibility.
Has anything further happened since May at all?
coming out to visit for a month and was just wondering.
