crisis at dog house foundation

Started by tangles, March 16, 2015, 21:48:44 PM

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Can you confirm what time the fund raising event is on Sunday. It says 3 pm in Euro Weekly but someone mentioned 4 pm on here. Many thanks


With reference to comments made regarding the Dog House, as a friend of the Organiser of the fund raising event to be held at Bar Cielos,La Alfoquia on 29th March I would like to point out that absolutely NO money whatsoever will be handed over to Paul,the owner.Instead all monies raised will go towards repairs to the kennels,vet bills and food for the animals.Ten people have kindly donated their time free of charge to re-build the kennels and any other offers of help will be greatly appreciated as will donations to this good cause.Please come along and support us next Sunday as Sandie,the organiser has worked exceedingly hard to make this  event bring much needed help to these poor dogs.

phileas fogg

I must agree here with Nibbler, it is totally pointless in praising any good causes if there is known to be a few misdemeanours floating about within. This is what forums do and as long as it is kept not into a slanging match all is well and some good points come out of it.


I agree with Nibbler we all have the dogs welfare at heart but I have helped at the dog house in the past, I left like many others & that is  why there is now a crisis, people are not willing to give their time to someone who is so rude & ungrateful. I have given to most of the other animal charities in one way or another, I agree that they are all doing a wonderful job sometimes in difficult & stressful situations & they are appreciative & say thank you. 


Sorry tangles, I can't see your point, This whole topic is about the dogs and how they can be best helped.
Even those that have slightly negative post's still have the welfare of the dogs at heart.
Nibbler :tiphat:


Well said tangles............................................ :clap: :clap:


I feel that this is getting out of hand everybody arguing and forgetting what this is really about all the poor unwanted dogs.  Thank you to everybody  that has donated over the years to all the charities to help the animals that cannot help themselves and to those that do not agree with it fine nobody expects you to donate but the comments are getting out of hand and off the subject of the dogs which is what this is all about :notopic:


I am glad that someone is taking over the finances. I did agree with you in that the dogs must come first, but when I have walked dogs at the dog house many times dogs have escaped & come with me free sometimes going in different directions & quite often there is traffic on that rambla, I do agree sometimes the stray dogs run into the road I always drive slowly where I know they generally hang out where I live, but a large part of the problems Paul has are of his own making.  I would love to be able to wave a magic wand & find homes for all these dogs but I know it is not possible & I already have 3 & a small house.


Quote from: mags7 on March 18, 2015, 11:23:10 AM
I have had past experiences with the Dog House & I would agree with everything Nibler says, I would go so far as to say better to buy what is needed than give money.  Paul can be very rude & ungrateful regarding any help that is offered, it all has to be to suit him.  I used to dog walk there & I took a dog in from the dog house because of the condition that she was in, she had scabby bits on her back with congealed blood, I pointed this out to Paul but 2 weeks later still the same had not been treated.  I could name loads of people including vets that refuse to work with Paul & basically he has sent all his volunteers packing because of his attitude to them.  I agree with Colin that we need to think of the dogs needs but I would rather leave a dog on the streets than send it to the dog house.

Mags, We know he has upset many people over the years, and no doubt it is a very stressful existence up there, I am sure I couldn't do what he does. You are right about him being rude and ungrateful, but at the end of the day the dogs need feeding and presently there is nowhere to send those that are already there. I dread to think what will happen to those dogs if anything happens to Paul, as no doubt you are aware he is not a healthy man.

From what I can gather there are now people who are assisting and are taking some control of the finance and thankfully our customers have been extremely generous in bringing in sacks of dry dog food over the last couple of weeks. I can't really agree that the dogs would be better left on the streets as I am concerned that before long someone locally is going to swerve to avoid a stray and cause a serious or fatal road accident, which is one of the reasons I just can't drive past them.


I have had past experiences with the Dog House & I would agree with everything Nibler says, I would go so far as to say better to buy what is needed than give money.  Paul can be very rude & ungrateful regarding any help that is offered, it all has to be to suit him.  I used to dog walk there & I took a dog in from the dog house because of the condition that she was in, she had scabby bits on her back with congealed blood, I pointed this out to Paul but 2 weeks later still the same had not been treated.  I could name loads of people including vets that refuse to work with Paul & basically he has sent all his volunteers packing because of his attitude to them.  I agree with Colin that we need to think of the dogs needs but I would rather leave a dog on the streets than send it to the dog house.


   Thank you for your well balanced response. We Brits are really " soppy" about our pet's, animals and wild life in general. That said it shouldn't stop us from trying to make a little difference ........I will be doing my bit whilst I live here.  I already have a rescue dog, immunised and spayed ( my expense ) and will continue to support other charities when I can.




There is no doubt that some of the organisations operate officially and some do not. Many start off just rescuing one or two dogs and then before they know where they are they have 50 or 60! Just because they can't see them starving to death or worse still wandering in the road and causing accidents.

It is also true that the 'authorities' do not seem interested in doing anything about the problem themselves, and I know that the Guardia have taken injured and stray dogs to the dog house themselves without any offer of financial support.

As far as the old folks returning to the UK or passing away, that also is true to some extent, but there are some young people stepping into their place, one young couple are responsible for putting the notices on the rubbish bins (as well as rescuing and rehoming many dogs and cats, all out of their own pockets). It is also true that the strain of trying to do something about it has driven some people back to the UK.

We find it difficult to walk away from the problems and as a result we have spent many hours and a lot of money, one way or another in trying to do something about it.

There have been a lot of people involved in the various organisations, some have moved from one organisation to another because they simply can't agree with other members / helpers within individual groups. But, at the end of the day, all Jill and I are concerned with is saving viable animals and trying to educate owners about responsible ownership, the latter being a big ask, and this area is way beyond some other areas that we are involved with / support.

As far as we are aware the Doghouse Foundation is a registered charity (Foundation) and described as such on their website


 Our senior citizen/retirment age Brits have had a quest for the past few years looking after stray dogs,wich is very honourable ,however the folks are geting older,returning to the UK, or passing so it does make you wonder whom will carry on with the work or if it will just revert back to the old days of thin dogs  wondering villages at will.

i have a good friend here up north that took on the" dog quest",approached there local town hall demanding action only to be told,that" once they had sorted the crisis evicted hungery local residentst out "they may start to look at the dog situation.

Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


I believe you to be a genuine honest guy nibbler. You did me a favour a couple of years ago.


Colin, please believe me I'm not bothered about what happened to me it's history. I was trying to inform people what things are like there. It's a pity that many of the comments on this topic have been lost due to problems with the server.  Had you been able to see them you would have a better picture.
It's a pity that when an interesting topic appears things happen but it never happens when the post's are crap.
I wish all the volunteer's the best of luck with fund raising of any sort. One of the lost comments actually said that no money would be handed to Paul but would be spent on dog food.
Regards Nibbler :tiphat:


Very sorry to hear of your problem nibbler, i think we have discussed it in the past. We have no input whatsoever into the day to day running of The Doghouse but we are aware of problems in the past. Our one and only concern is the wellbeing of the dogs in Pauls care and for that reason alone we continue to be a drop of point for dog food and any other donations of bedding, towels etc.
Karen, if we could get all the charities to join and operate as one I believe a lot more could be achieved, unfortunately i fear that will never happen
Kind Regards and a huge thank you to all our customers who have helped in the past and continue to do so, there are at least 60 grateful dogs at The Dog Foundation.


There seem to be quite a few animal charities around, maybe they could have thought about pooling their resources and spending their limited income together? I still do think that as long as there are people willing to pick up stray and dumped dogs then there will be more and more people willing to dump and abandon their dogs.
It seems a bit like giving money to "Africa" - we've been doing it in greater and greater numbers for decades and nothing has really changed, has it?


I'll probably severely criticized for this but I really don't mind the truth needs to be told about this place and the man who runs it.
Some years ago I provided transport for the doghouse to collect any large items they had donated, then I was asked to take 10 dogs to the UK that had been rehomed.
This organisation had involved the pupils from a primary school in the UK and the children had adopted the dog house as their charity. They raised several hundreds of pounds to pay for the transport. On departure I received 1/3 of the money although it had all been sent.
The dogs were successfully delivered but I noticed that 2 of the carriers were in a very poor state were plastic and broken. I replaced these with strong metal cages at my own expence. When I returned Paul was very hostile to me refused to pay the other money and threatened to SUE me because I had STOLEN his carriers never mind that I'd spent £120 of my own money. Need less to say I had no direct contact with him again.
The UK organisation continued to raise money and arranged for an architect to visit and draw up plans to completely renovate the kennels and the house. Plans were put into action for a flat to be built in the hose for people to come and stay, help in the kennels for free board.
Sheds were purchased and were waiting for transport. The only condition was that a management committee be set up and the books properly audited.
When approached by the person who would audit Paul became very guarded and even offensive to those who were trying to help.

This has resulted in the children at the school abandoning the charity.

If it wasn't for the volunteers the doghouse would have folded long ago  IMO.

Needless to say I have no association with them now, I prefer to offer my services to charities that manage themselves in properly organised way.

I do hope this post hasn't offended anyone if I have I apologise, it was done merely to highlight the situation at the doghouse.
Nibbler :tiphat:


Bar Cielos in La Alfoquia are holding a Charity Event in aid of the Dog House Foundation on 29th March from 4.00pm onwards.  Lots of artists giving their time for free, raffles with some fabulous prizes, tombola, fun games etc. so go along and support this worthy cause.


Dog house has had damage to dog houses etc by the recent winds has anybody any building materials wood etc they do not need and would be prepared to donate it to the dog house.  Also they still need large bags of dog biscuit.  If you can offer any of these items please contact PAT 607554984
Thank you